Originally converted four military aircraft series: number 6001, 6003, 6006, 6011.
Originally converted four military aircraft series: number 6001, 6003, 6006, 6011. The factory at the same time the state tests of I-153, equipped with engines M-25V and M-62, held from July 19 to August 29, 1939. In some cases, the pilots climbed to an altitude of 12 km. I-153 TC-M-25V has a top speed of 455 km / h at an altitude of 8750 meters, and the I-153 TC-M-62 -. 482 km / h at an altitude of 10 300 meters later on the factory data, built in 1940 20 fighter-153 M-62 TC and one-153 M-63 TK. Aircraft intended to be used in parts of the defense.